Visiting My Heavenly Father in His Home

Visiting My Heavenly Father in His Home
For me, the nearest temple is in Johannesburg, about 1600km from Cape Town, where I live. I love to visit the temple whenever I can. I love the peace I feel there and how close I feel to my Heavenly Father. So when I went through a very traumatic experience, all I wanted to do was go “home” to my Heavenly Father for a visit in His house, the temple. I wanted to feel the comfort of being with Him. But I didn’t have the money to get there.

My recommend needed renewing, so I scheduled the necessary interviews. The stake president knew of my experience and my desire to go to the temple, as well as my lack of funds. At the end of our interview, he prayed that I would soon be able to visit the House of the Lord. Shortly after that, I was given the free air miles someone had earned, and I was very grateful to be able to fly to Johannesburg. The stake president’s prayer had been answered, and I felt greatly blessed, especially to be able to fly, and not have to drive, as I had often done in the past.

While I was in the temple, I had a very special spiritual experience that let me know that the Lord loved me and was very much aware of me. On my last day in the temple, in a quiet place, I prayed that I would soon be able to return, as I needed the comfort I felt there. By the time I arrived at the airport, I was the last person to check in. The desk assistant informed me that the plane was full. I told her I didn’t mind and tried to give her my ticket. She again said that the plane was full and that there wasn’t a seat for me.

I held up my ticket and told her that I had booked a seat on that plane and that I had paid for my ticket already. It was only then that she told me that the airways overbook flights. Because I was the last to check in, there was no place for me on the plane. I would have to wait for the next flight in two hours’ time. I began to feel very angry, and a silent debate went on in my mind. I wanted to give vent to my feelings of frustration and annoyance, but I had just come from the temple. I knew that that was not the way to respond.

While I struggled to control myself, the desk assistant told me that because of the inconvenience caused to me, she would give me a voucher for a free return flight to any destination in the country to be used within the next 12 months. I was dumbstruck, and very grateful that I hadn’t given in to my anger. I felt quite overwhelmed as she printed the voucher.

I had brought a book to read on the plane. As I sat in the waiting area, the book lay on my lap unread. I stared into space quite overcome by how my prayer had been answered within a few hours. I was now able to return to the temple whenever I felt I needed to. I was filled with awe at how Heavenly Father had been so generous. He could have helped me save the money to drive, but He gave me a free flight.

Heavenly Father does answer prayers. He is aware of our problems and trials and will comfort us and support us during them. If we have a strong desire to attend the temple and ask for His assistance, He will indeed help us get there. He is generous when He blesses us. Not only was my faith greatly strengthened through this experience, but my love for my Father was greatly deepened. I will always be grateful to Him for His blessings to me.