Tarisai Mchuchu’s son, Mohau was sick. He had been suffering for a week with sore gums and sores in his mouth. He was taking medication, but it didn’t seem to help much. Mohau wasn’t able to eat because it hurt, but at least he had been drinking liquids. On Sunday morning, before church, Tarisai, a single mother, read a story from the Africa Southeast Area website, My Baby Was Healed by the Priesthood. The story was about a young mother whose baby boy had a similar health problem to her son. It felt like a revelation. Tarisai felt that she should ask the missionaries to bless him.
After sacrament meeting the missionaries anointed Mohau and gave him a priesthood blessing. It was a beautiful blessing. Tarisai and her son then went to Primary. At the end of Primary, Amelia, a sister who works in Primary, gave each of the children a biscuit. Mohau took one. Tarisai was packing up her materials from sharing time, and was watching her son. He bit into the biscuit and chewed it, then swallowed it. It was the first food he had eaten all week. He wasn’t able to eat the entire biscuit, but Tarisai found it reassuring that he was able to eat something. It was a testimony to her of the promise of healing.
Tarisai could already see an improvement in her son. She has faith that the blessing will make all the difference. She wrote: “I love your posts [from the Africase website]. I was thinking of asking for a blessing for him but if I had been distracted with all I had to do in Primary class today, I would have delayed asking for it had it not been for the article you posted today. It makes a difference. Thank you.”
The power of the priesthood is real. Faith in priesthood blessings can bring about miracles. Sharing our inspiring stories with others blesses their lives and strengthens the testimonies of others. As we read about the experiences of others and how the Lord has blessed them, it uplifts and motivates us. Our faith is strengthened as we share with each other how the Lord’s hand is evident in our lives.
As told by Tarisai Mchuchu to Collette Burgoyne