Testimonies of Swazi Members

Testimonies of Swazi Members
A recent convert to the church, Daniel Mnisi, is not bothered when some people scold him for believing in a book besides the Bible. “I know we have enemies,” he says, “But I have no problem, for I have the truth.” Anna Madonsella gained a similar testimony when, lying sick in a hospital, missionaries gave her a Book of Mormon. Although the nurses tried to dissuade her, Anna began reading the book. Then she prayed about it with the missionaries and felt a strong witness of its truthfulness. “[The Book of Mormon] is true,” she said. “No matter what anyone else says, I know in my heart it is true.” She was later baptized.
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One challenge is that many people who want to attend church live far away. Joseph Malindzisa, an executive for a wood pulp mill, brings a truckload of members to church. His hardest challenge is that he is unable to squeeze in the many friends of other faiths who are “eager to come to church.” He is trying to organize rides for them. “I feel that whatever we can do to help our branches grow, we must do.”

Members like Trusty Jones and Goodness Egobese walk four miles to and from church. For them, it’s worth the effort. “I don’t know where I would be without [the Church],” says Sister Jones, a single mother and Relief Society president. “The gospel has changed my life.” Sister Egobese agrees. The mother of 11 children, she is an enthusiastic member missionary, sharing her newfound joy with her neighbours.

“The Church has done a lot for me spiritually and temporally,” says David Nagai, echoing the sentiment of other pioneering Swazi Saints. He has felt joy in knowing that “God has a plan for all people on earth. My questions and prayers were really answered. I have a testimony of the Church and of Jesus Christ.”
