He knows that this move was also for a greater purpose. His cousin, Simbarashe, who was now grown up, was a member of the Church and invited him to attend. Tatenda was also introduced to the missionaries and was taught the discussions. However, it was not until he heard the lesson about the plan of salvation that he was converted to the gospel. It was the most wonderful message he had ever heard and his tears of sorrow were changed to tears of joy. He had thought that he would never see his parents again. Feeling the Spirit of the Lord, he asked to be baptized on 17 November 2012. From then on, he was a different person.

He knew it was his responsibility and privilege to see that his parents were baptized by proxy in the temple, and that they should be sealed together as an eternal family. Now that dream is a reality. He was sealed to his deceased parents in the temple, with a missionary couple standing in as proxy. The day before that, two missionaries had performed the baptisms for his parents in the temple.
One of his goals was to be a full-time missionary. Three wonderful Zimbabwean sisters helped him accomplish that goal. He entered the Missionary Training Centre in September 2014 to serve in the Ghana Cape Coast Mission. His desire is now to share the marvellous blessings he has received and to bring many souls unto Christ. He said 'I know the Lord will always watch my back throughout.'
The Lord’s hand has been in this young man’s life as He watched over him and put him in the right place and among the right people, where he would hear the gospel. He now has the great comfort of being sealed to his parents and the happy knowledge that he can be reunited with them again one day. His tears of sorrow have truly been turned into tears of joy.