Temple Stories

Colin Bricknell, previously a stake president in Durban, and his wife, Jenny share the sacrifice they made as a family to help build the Sao Paulo temple in Brazil
Charlene was robbed of all the money for her trip to the temple
After so many miracles and so much faith, would this family miss being sealed in the temple?
I was blessed to fly to the temple not once, but twice!
When Andrew was a young deacon, he prayed for help to get to the temple
Saints of Cameroon struggle to get to the temple.  
The Jadwong family finds the right time to attend the temple.  
Young people from Harare, Zimbabwe attend the Johannesburg Temple.  
Elder Gacula submits a four generation pedigree chart and then encounters those names again.  
Brother Mohapi found the church when he was a refugee  
If seven loaves and a few little fishes can feed a multitude, 200 rand can keep blessing lives far into the future.