New Mission Presidents for the Africa Southeast Area 2016

New Mission Presidents for the Africa Southeast Area 2016

Angola Luanda Mission

Angola Luanda Mission
Denelson Urbano da Silva, 50, and Regina Maria de Carvalho Silva, two children, Vila Sônia Ward, São Paulo Brazil Stake: Angola Luanda Mission, succeeding President Danny L. Merrill and Sister Pennie Merrill. Brother Silva is a former stake president, bishop, high councilor, high priests group leader, ward Young Men adviser, and missionary in the Brazil Curitiba Mission. Manager, Sabre International LCC. Born in Recife, Brazil.
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Sister Silva is a former ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president, Primary teacher, and missionary in the Brazil Rio De Janeiro Mission. Born in Recife, Brazil.

Botswana/Namibia Mission

Botswana/Namibia Mission
Dunstan George Bernard Tiwayi Chadambuka, 45, and Pertunia Mudarikwa Chadambuka, two children, Mutare Branch, Mutare Zimbabwe District: Botswana/Namibia Mission, succeeding President Merrill A. Wilson and Sister LouJean Wilson. Brother Chadambuka serves as a district councilor and is a former mission presidency counselor, district president, branch president, and elders quorum president. Business owner, construction and hardware company. Born in Mutare, Zimbabwe.
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Sister Chadambuka serves as a branch Young Women president and is a former district Relief Society president and counselor and branch Relief Society president. Born in Gutu, Zimbabwe.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Lubumbashi Mission

Democratic Republic of the Congo Lubumbashi Mission
Larry Dewayne Shumard, 60, and Gayle Elaine Johnson Shumard, four children, Fort Wayne 1st Ward, Fort Wayne Indiana Stake: Democratic Republic of the Congo Lubumbashi Mission, succeeding President F. Brent Thomas and Sister Carolyn R. Thomas. Brother Shumard serves as a temple sealer and Sunday School teacher and is a former stake president, bishop, stake mission president, high councilor, institute teacher, and missionary in the France/Switzerland Mission. Branch manager, ABC Supply. Born in Wichita, Kansas.

Sister Shumard serves as a temple worker and is a former stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, institute teacher, and stake activity committee member. Born in Pueblo, Colorado.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Mbuji-Mayi Mission

Democratic Republic of the Congo Mbuji-Mayi Mission
Alfred Kibamba Kyungu, 49, and Lucie Kabulo Kyungu, three children, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake: Democratic Republic of the Congo Mbuji-Mayi Mission (new mission). Brother Kyungu is a former Area Seventy, ward Sunday School president, stake presidency counselor, high councillor, district executive secretary and district clerk. Regional Director of Seminaries and Institutes, Kinshasa, DR Congo. Born in Kamina, Katanga, DR Congo.
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Lucie Kabulo Kyungu serves as a Sunday School teacher and is a former Primary teacher, stake Relief Society secretary, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, Young Women advisor, and Relief Society teacher. Born in Likasi, Kitanga, DR Congo.

Kenya Nairobi Mission

Kenya Nairobi Mission
Sibongiseni Ephraim Msane, 53, and Nomthandazo Salvatoris Mpanza Msane, two children, Fourways Ward, Johannesburg South Africa Stake: Kenya Nairobi Mission, succeeding President Gary C. Hicken and Sister Kathryn Hicken. Brother Msane serves as a mission presidency counselor and national assistant director of public affairs. He is a former stake presidency counselor, district presidency counselor, high councilor, and high priests group leader. Previously worked for NAMPAK Limited. Born in Durban, South Africa.
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Sister Msane serves as a stake Relief Society president and is a former stake Young Women president, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society and Primary presidency counselor, and seminary teacher. Born in Durban, South Africa.

South Africa Durban Mission

South Africa Durban Mission
Kip G Thompson , 59, and Leesa Colleen Thompson , five children, Alpine Cove Ward, Alpine Utah North Stake: South Africa Durban Mission, succeeding President and Sister John Zackrison. Brother Thompson serves as a gospel doctrine teacher. He is a former ward mission leader, stake Young Men president, counsellor in the stake presidency, and bishop. He was the president of Global Consulting. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Kip G Thompson
Leesa Colleen Thompson

Sister Thompson serves as a counsellor in the ward Relief Society presidency and is a former counsellor in the stake Relief Society presidency, Young Women presidency, ward Primary presidency, and a ward Relief Society president. Born in Nephi, Utah.

Uganda Kampala Mission

Uganda Kampala Mission
Stephen Howard Collings, 48, and Tracy Ann Wright Collings, four children, Grantsville 14th Ward, Grantsville Utah Stake: Uganda Kampala Mission, succeeding President Robert F. Chatfield and Sister Katherine D. Chatfield. Brother Collings is a former stake president, stake presidency counselor, bishop, bishopric counselor, high councilor, and missionary in the Washington DC South Mission. An owner of Varsity Contractors and former owner of American Maintenance and Executive Facilities Services. Born in Salt Lake City .
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Sister Collings serves as a Relief Society teacher and is a former ward Primary president, ward Young Women and Primary presidency counselor, and Primary teacher. Born in Provo, Utah.

Zambia Lusaka Mission

Zambia Lusaka Mission
Inoke Fotu Kupu, 57, and Moana M. Fatani Kupu, four children, Liahona YSA Ward, Nuku’alofa Tonga Liahona Stake: Zambia Lusaka Mission, succeeding President Leif J. Erickson and Sister Linda N. Erickson. Brother Kupu is a former stake president, stake presidency counselor, bishop, high councilor, national director of public affairs, stake Young Men president, and missionary in the Bolivia La Paz Mission. Deputy chief executive officer, Ministry of Internal Affairs. Born in Ha’alaufuli, Tonga.

Sister Kupu serves as a Gospel Doctrine teacher and is a former stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, and seminary and institute teacher. Born in Matangiake, Tonga.