Motherhood is a divine gift from a wise and loving Father in Heaven. Our Father knew exactly what His daughters needed while on our earthly journey to learn how to love unconditionally, an ability we need in order to return to Him one day.
Cuddling a baby in your arms - whether the baby was given to you through the process of birth or through the wondrous and beautiful gift of adoption – makes your heart overflow with deep joy and gratitude. You start an eternal journey with your child - such an incredible opportunity to nurture, teach, and love one of our Father's precious children all the way through eternity. What an awe inspiring assignment!
All the accolades the world can give to a woman will never compare in importance to the privilege of raising and nurturing a child to maturity. Nothing the world offers can ever match the importance of this assignment from our Eternal Father. Having raised six of our Father's precious children, I am well aware of the difficulties and heartache along the journey, but I know that we grow spiritually through the challenging times. I know that I have learnt the valuable lesson of completely trusting my Heavenly Father through those heartrending times. I can trust Him because I know that my children really belong to Him and as mothers we are His assistants.
When He sent them to us He trusted us to teach them to love one another, to learn the great lesson of kindness, to serve one another happily, to learn the value of work, to learn how to pray, how to laugh, how to be obedient and how to live righteously in a world with diminishing moral standards.
But above all these lessons, our Father has asked us to teach our children about Him, about His deep love for each one of us and about His magnificent power and glory. He also assigned us to teach our children about our Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, who was willing to pay for our sins through His atonement and cruel death on a cross in Calgary. Our Father has trusted us with so much! I know that we make many mistakes along the way, but still our Father loves us and trusts us and gives us strength along the journey.
Then suddenly and all too soon, our homes begin to empty of our precious children and we wonder 'what now'? But our all-knowing Father understands that need. Slowly, happily our homes and hearts are filled with joy again as delightfully cuddly grandchildren are sent to us and we are given another chance to love, nurture, teach and enjoy our posterity as we await our turn to return to our Heavenly Father and become part of an eternal family!