Daily scripture study is a worthwhile investment.
Sister Brabant and the Relief Society sisters in her ward in La Reunion testify of this with full conviction. When the sisters shared their concerns about not reading the scriptures due to their busy schedules, Sister Brabant gave them a challenge. She said it is possible to remain obedient to God’s commandments despite individual burdens and the demands of family responsibilities. She thus encouraged them to prioritize scripture study in their daily household routines by reading in the early mornings.
She herself had a busy schedule, which included commuting to France for her full-time job, sustaining her husband in his calling, and taking care of her family. “I made a conscious decision to get up very early in the morning to read the scriptures before getting to my daily responsibilities. Sometimes I got up at 5:30am to do that!” Sister Brabant explained enthusiastically.

They decided to exercise their faith by creating the time to read the scriptures and working at the desire to be blessed through constant, daily scripture study. The results were very positive. The sisters said that their testimonies of scripture reading improved and many blessings came to their homes. It seems that they remembered Paul’s admonition that “faith, if it hath not works, is dead” (see James 2:17).
By enlivening their faith, the sisters reaped the rewards of believing and trusting in their ability to obey all of God’s commandments. The exercise of faith, the desire for righteous living, and the deliberate choice to obey the Lord strengthened the sisters’ testimonies. Clearly, Sister Brabant and the sisters in La Reunion learned through exercising their faith that benefits do indeed accrue from daily scripture study.