I was born the youngest of six children in a small town called Bindura, Zimbabwe. My good, loving mother had to raise us—four girls and two boys—by herself. Life was tough for us. I had to walk four or five kilometres to school. It’s miraculous to consider how well we were raised. It’s all because of the love of our Father in Heaven.
My mother liked going to church, and because I was the youngest, I would go with her. In 1998, when I was 13 years old, two Latter-day Saint missionaries came to my neighbourhood to visit less-active members. I was playing soccer with my friend when the missionaries passed through. We spoke with them, and the missionaries asked if they could visit us the following week. They taught us, and we accepted the invitation to be baptized.
I served as a district missionary until I received my full-time mission call in July 2004 to serve in the South Africa Durban Mission. I was in the mission field just a few months when my mother died. Four months later another sister died. My father and another sister had died prior to my mission.
As a missionary, I had been teaching people about the restored gospel, life after death, and the sealing ordinances for families. Because of my testimony, I never worried about my losses. I had peace of mind and I hope that in due time I will see my parents and sisters again.
On the way home from my mission in July 2006, I went to the Johannesburg South Africa Temple and was baptized on behalf of my male family members who had passed on, and I had baptisms performed for my sisters who had died.
Despite all our challenges, we can find peace and hope in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. God be thanked that He watches over and guides His Church and His children. I thank Him for the temple, which gives us peace and hope that we will meet with our families again.
The Lord said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Despite life’s challenges, may we keep hoping for good, never doubting and never questioning the Lord’s will.