In May 2017, Elder Ronald A. Rasband of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, visited with priesthood leaders, members and missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. As a special witness for Jesus Christ, he uplifted and inspired all with his love for the Saviour and his testimony of the blessings that await members as they prepare themselves for the completion of the Durban temple.
A young man, a young mother and a young great-grandmother shared their experiences:
“Shaking the hand of one of the apostles of the Lord was one of the most spiritual things I have ever had.From the moment I touched his hand to the moment I let go, I felt the power of the priesthood. It was a special and rare experience I will never forget.” Calden Austin (16) Hillcrest Stake
“What a wonderful experience it was to hear an apostle of the Lord and to be able to teach my 5 year old daughter the importance of these great men and their testimonies of Christ. It was also a wonderful reminder of the simplicity of the gospel. How incredible to feel the spirit that comes with him and to feel his Christlike love for each and every one of us.
“The message Elder Rasband shared with us was about creating new gospel traditions:
1. Family and personal prayer
2. Family and personal scripture study
3. Family home evenings will help show children how important family is to you
4. Pay tithing - it is the one commandment where the Lord says ‘prove me now herewith’ (Mal 3:10)
5. Service to others - help others out of poverty
6. ‘Stand ye in holy places’ ie go to the temple, make home a place where you can feel the Spirit
“It was a lovely inspiring message, but it was really the Spirit I could feel that made it such a special meeting.” Niki Higgs, Hillcrest Stake
“Hearing Elder Rasband speak was a wonderful, moving experience. I felt the Spirit so strongly that it brought tears to my eyes. I could feel his love for the Saviour and for each one of us too.
“When he spoke about President Monson, and his many years of service, it made me think: I need to do more. I may be getting old, but I can still do more. His words inspired me to do better. We have the fullness of the gospel… we can BE more!
“Elder Rasband testified of the living Christ and that His angels are watching over us, and protecting us from the storms of life. What a wonderful feeling of peace and love.” Mary Hattingh, Durban Stake