On Saturday 9 April 2016 Elder Carl B Cook, president of the Africa Southeast Area, and General Authority Seventy, dedicated the site of the Durban South Africa temple at the groundbreaking ceremony. Here is the prayer he offered.
Our beloved Heavenly Father, we unitedly bow our heads in prayer as we meet to consecrate this land for the building of the Durban South Africa Temple. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for Thy many tender mercies. We love Thee, Heavenly Father. We love Thy Son, Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for the restoration of the gospel and for the establishment of Thy Church in this land. We are grateful that Thy gospel is going forth to all who will listen. We pray that this, Thy work, may continue and even accelerate. We also pray for this nation’s leaders, that peace and prosperity may abound.
We are mindful of the rejoicing of many Saints, both those who are with us today and those who have gone beyond. We are grateful for our predecessors who helped lay a foundation for what is happening today. We pray that the veil may be thin, and that they may share in the joy of this moment.
We are grateful for modern revelation that has guided our beloved prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, to direct that a temple be built upon this sacred spot at this appointed time. May Thy Spirit abide here. We dedicate this magnificent plot of ground to the building of Thy temple, Thy holy house. Wilt thou please protect it against any destructive forces, either of nature or of man. Please watch over it and hallow it, that it may remain a suitable site for Thy temple.
We look forward with great anticipation to the building of this holy structure. We pray for those who will be working on this temple site. Please protect them from injury. Please bless their minds and their hands that their work might be pleasing unto Thee, and that the completed temple might be a reflection of our deep love and reverence for Thee.
As the temple rises from the ground, may each of us be blessed with increased love for our fellowman. May we re-dedicate ourselves to Thy work. Please help us to prioritize our lives and make time to prepare family names for temple ordinances. We know that many individuals and families are waiting anxiously for their work to be done. May we think of them often and be inspired to do our part to help them. May Thy chosen servants in this temple district also prepare themselves to volunteer their time and talents and work in Thy holy house once it is completed.
May each of us be inspired to purify our lives and look to our Savior and His Atonement to help us overcome the things of the flesh, that we may not only enter Thy temple, but also be prepared to dwell with Thee. We desire to feel Thy love and Thy Spirit each day of our lives.
We dedicate this site unto Thee, Heavenly Father, and we pledge our faith and our support of all of Thy works. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Watch the proceedings here.