When I was growing up and even now, I love Christmas time because it represents a time of joy. In our Congolese culture Christmas celebration is a time of family and kindness, without forgetting gifts. There are various way to celebrate Christmas. Some take their children to parks for games and fun. Others cook special meals for the day and share with family, or invite them over. Others sit around a fire at night sharing stories of wisdom, and also expressing the gratitude of a Divine gift of the Son of God.
We always cooked the favourite meal for parties and celebrations, which was kassava leaves and roots transformed in a compacted and soft paste with rice or chicken or salted fish. In all these celebrations most people went to church, listening to preaching, and considering the opportunity to make a new commitment in life. In short there was something about being better and doing better and feeling better.
I remember that while I was in Primary I was given a dear friend - a small whale toy. My twin sister and I were given an assignment to recite some verses of the scriptures, and we sang our favourite and very popular hymns, Joy to the World, and Angels we Have Heard on High. That day I made promises to try to be kinder, more forgiving, and a good little boy because I was promised gifts and also I was given some lessons to learn about the Saviour.

I loved and still love Christmas. It is a period of hope and all good efforts to try to be like Him who is our perfect example. This is so in all cultures, countries and places where Christmas is celebrated.