One of my favorite family stories, which I first heard as a small child at the knee of my grandmother was about Aunt Mandy. I was too young to understand the genealogy, but then everyone in my family called her Aunt Mandy no matter the genealogical connection. When I started recording my family history after converting to the LDS Church, I finally worked out my relationship to her.

In the 65 years since my grandmother told me these stories I have done a great deal of family research, but not much on Aunt Mandy’s family. Finally, I set out to research Aunt Mandy and Uncle Henry first to get their temple work done, and second to discover more about them than what I knew from family stories.
Since obituaries have great information about the person because they are often written by a family member, I sent for Aunt Mandy’s obituary. I was expecting a nice article about what a Christian woman she had been but was not expecting much more because she had been a farm wife in a rural area. The obituary I received set me back on my heels.
From her obituary I learned that Aunt Mandy and Uncle Henry were childless, “but she took great pride in taking homeless children and caring for them until they married”. Aunt Mandy’s obituary listed, by name, seven children that she and Uncle Henry had taken in. My great-grandmother and her sister were the first ones on the list. There was one still living in their home. I also learned that Aunt Mandy had died at my great-grandmother’s house.
Uncle Henry and Aunt Mandy were the perfect examples of the Saviour’s description of profitable servants as described in Matthew 25:35–36, which reads, “For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.”
If you enjoyed reading this story, you might also like to read how Jo has established a library for rural children in Zambia and other articles and stories on service.
Family History stories: