The Church's first presence in Zimbabwe was in 1931 with the first missionaries being sent to Rhodesia in 1935. Its first stake was organized in 1999 in Harare, the second 2005 in Bulawayo, and now there are seven. (Read more about the history of the church in Zimbabwe.)

Over 1600 members gathered to learn from the spiritual messages and to hear the announcement. Boundaries were changed for the Harare Stake and the Mission District to accommodate the new stake’s units.
Harare Stake leadership change saw the release of President Albert Mutariswa, with the new presidency sustained as follows: President Sawman Machakaire (formerly Highland Bishop), lst counsellor Robert Spencer, and 2nd counsellor Onward Chivunga. There are five wards in the new stake and two branches.

The newly-formed Harare East Stake leadership consists of President Ignatius Maziofa, Terrify Banda as 1st counsellor, and 2nd counsellor Edward Gramu (formerly Bishop of Mabvuku lst Ward). This stake consists of four wards and three branches.

'What makes a man worthy to serve as leaders in a stake?” asked Elder Hamilton. “They should be living the principles of the gospel and keeping their covenants and commitments in the church. They should be taking care of their families, and teaching them correct principles. They should be honouring their priesthood calling and be worthy to enter the temple. They should be full tithe payers and obeying the Word of Wisdom. After the interviewing and seeking the Lord’s will, it was evident whom He had chosen to lead these two stakes at this time.'